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    10.0 HD


    • 主演:李化三 文艺峰 田泽二 
    • 导演:李圭焕 
    • 分类:爱情
    • 地区:朝鲜 
    • 年份:2010 
    • 更新:02.08
    • 简介:At an underdeveloped area, electricians flock together. Dol-soei, an orphan electrician in the group, secretly admires Soon-ee, the daughter of the to


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    At an underdeveloped area, electricians flock together. Dol-soei, an orphan electrician in the group, secretly admires Soon-ee, the daughter of the town's barman. Sadly, Soon-ee has feelings for Eun-gi, a handsome electrician. Dol-soei finally works up the courage to tell Soon-ee that he likes her but she rejects him coldly. One day, Ba-woo, a pudgy electrician with a bad-temper, lures Soon-ee to a dark alley and tries to molest her, but Dol-soei rescues her in time. Regardless of his efforts, Soon-ee is only interested in Eun-gi. Crushed, Dol-soei packs up and leaves the town without a word.


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